Artist and designer Serena King founded Chakra Plaza. In 2015, she started designing chakra icons and posters. These eventually inspired a range of products that dealt with chakra healing and balancing. By 2020, she had established a unique brand, dedicated to all things chakra! She still offers infographics, exquisite artwork depicting chakras, and more.
The word “wheel” (chakra, from Sanskrit) alludes to the energy points in your body. These spinning disks of energy, representing important organs, nerve bundles, and energetic body parts that influence your physical and emotional health, should remain “open” and aligned. In reality, there are 114 distinct chakras, with the seven primary ones located on your spine. When we talk about chakras, most of us refer to these specifics. From the sacrum to the top of the head, each of the seven primary chakras has a matching number, name, color, and health focus.
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